May 2011 Newsletter

Published May 24, 2011

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May 2011

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Dear friends and supporters,

This time, I’m not asking for money. (maybe later…) I am, however, asking for your support. We will be in Sudan for the rest of may and half of June to build the first phase of the Jalle school. I would love share the real-time happenings with as many people as possible.

We have multiple ways for you to tune in. FACEBOOK, TWITTER, WEBSITE, and new Jalle School project BLOG! Two documentary filmmakers have volunteered their time and expertise to document the building construction as well as the changes and challenges occurring in South Sudan. Hopefully we will be able to upload some of their raw footage raw footage of the work in progress.

I am asking that you help spread the word by posting the above links on your favorite social media sites. For the truly dedicated, feel free to copy this email and send it to some of your contacts who might be interested in the work that we are doing.

Thank you!

Blake Clark

Executive Director, Rebuild Sudan

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2820 22nd Street | San Francisco | CA 94110 |

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